frequency distribution,graphical representation of data,frequency,table of frequency distributions in hindi urdu,ca cpt. graphical representation of frequency distribution,graphical representation of cumulative frequency distribution,frequency distribution tables and graphs,graphical and diagramatic representation of data,sources acquisition and classification of data,textual and tabular presentation of data

A frequency distribution can be presented graphically in any of the following ways:

2.Frequency polygon 
3.Smoothed frequency curve 
4.Comulative frequency curves or Orgives.// 

Orgives: An ogive is the roundly tapered end of a two-dimensional or three-dimensional object. In ballistics or aerodynamics, an ogive is a pointed, curved surface mainly used to form the approximately streamlined nose of a bullet or other projectile.The traditional or secant ogive is a surface of revolution of the same curve that forms a Gothic arch; that is, a circular arc, of greater radius than the diameter of the cylindrical section ("shank"), is drawn from the edge of the shank until it intercepts the axis.